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www.sergioluque.com | ||||||||||||||
cover design by TN photo on cover by Denim |
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on archive.org | ||||||||||||||
Sergio Luque (Mexico City, 1976) is a composer of experimental classical and electroacoustic music living in Madrid. His work often involves surrealism, computer-aided stochastic composition and tends to highlight the extreme "micro" and "macro" of musical sound. He is currently working towards a PhD in Composition at the University of Birmingham, is an active member of BEAST (Birmingham Electroacoustic Sound Theatre) and is working on the development of Iannis Xenakis stochastic synthesis. His extensive curriculum includes a Master's Degree in Sonology (with distinction), received in 2006 from the Royal Conservatory at The Hague, studying with Paul Berg and Kees Tazelaar. In 2004, he also received a Master's Degree in Composition from the Conservatory of Rotterdam, studying with Klaas de Vries and René Uijlenhoet. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Composition from the Musical Studies and Research Center (CIEM, Mexico). His music has been performed all over the world: Europe, North America, South America and Oceania. Sergio Luque has published more than twenty musical pieces for acoustical instruments, computers and combinations of both. TecnoNucleo publishes three works from Luque, all of them for computer: "'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll' was never meant to be like this", "frío" and "ssst". The sounds of "'Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll' was never meant to be like this", were created using an extension of Iannis Xenakis' dynamic stochastic synthesis technique that Luque is currently developing. Stochastic sytnthesis is an approach to microsound synthesis that uses probability distributions to manipulate individual digital samples. The structure of this piece is articulated by juxtaposing three different families of sounds (in order to create sections). These clear and abrupt cuts between materials were done intuitively; some of them happen between similar sounds: to give the false impression of movement; the rest of the cuts occur between very contrasting sounds: unexpected changes that try to affect the listener's perception of reality. "frío" (the Spanish word for "cold") was composed using stochastic processes and is a musical expression of the polysemic meaning of this word: low-temperature bodies, indifference, the chilling effects of cold colors, among other meanings. Phil Thomson, from the now defunct Centibel netlabel, defined this work as "a synthetic meditation on timbre and stasis". "ssst" was created by the opposition of two principles applied to the sense of energy and activity, these principles are: retaining and releasing. When retaining, the character of the piece is quiet and with individual gestures; when releasing, the energy is freed and mass movements arise. Thomson said about this piece: "a digital clamour, conjuring images of a virtual ensemble performing in an slowly exploding concert hall haunted by microsonic ghosts". |

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